添加时间:Lie 1: “We never said we own all Fila stores” ANTA’s statement through analysts that it never claimed to own all Fila stores is an attempt to rewrite history, and it is a lie. This fact points again to our conclusion that the reported numbers for Fila cannot be relied upon. Our Part 3 report made it literally indisputable that a third party, Mr. Su Weiqing, owned the Beijing Fila stores. The company initially reacted by issuing a Clarification Announcement that stated it “vigorously denies” the allegations. The problem ANTA had with this denial is that even a 10-year old could see it was a lie. So ANTA attempted to re-write history by falsely stating through sock puppets that it never claimed to own all Fila stores.1Just weeks prior to publishing our report, we held a call with ANTA’s internal Investor Relations representative, Ms. Suki Wong. We asked her whether ANTA owns all Fila stores in China, and she repeatedly assured us that it does. Below is the transcript of the portions of the conversation that dealt with Fila store ownership. Q: [With respect to Fila] In 2014 you went from wholesale to retail, and then when you say you went from wholesale to retail, everything is self-owned and self-operated?
所以,对于这类技术先进性、盈利缺乏又需要进一步融资支持的半导体企业,科创板有必要进行更为细化的考量,以客观、开放态度审视之。责任编辑:王帅今天白天北京地区阴转雷阵雨,局地暴雨,本周末两天也有降雨。新京报快讯(记者 邓琦)中国气象局9日上午消息,今年第9号台风“利奇马”登陆浙江后将北上,将给北京地区带来降水天气过程。